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Jughandle Brewing Company

Sour Wheels Strawberry Crisp

A seasonal continuation of our Sour Wheels series. Our Strawberry Crisp Pastry Sour brings back memories of our grandma's pies. Conditioned on Strawberries, cinnamon, vanilla, and a dash of nutmeg. it is a strawberry crisp if we have ever drank one!

In This Release


    Sour Wheels - Strawberry Crisp

    Pastry Sour Ale
    8.0% ABV
    Pastry Sour Ale
    8.0% ABV
    4 pack 16 oz cans: $14.00 / Limit: 10

    A seasonal continuation of our Sour Wheels series, our Strawberry Crisp Pastry Sour brings back memories of our grandma's seasonal pies. Conditioned on Strawberries cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg, and vanilla, it is a strawberry crisp if we have ever drank one!


Pickup Options

  • Jughandle Brewing Company

    4043 Route 33, Tinton Falls, NJ 07753 Pickup Begins: Thu, Dec 2nd, 2021 at 2:00pm Pickup Ends: Fri, Dec 31st, 2021 at 12:00pm

Order details

Delivery Begins

December 6th, 2021

Delivery is available within a 50 mile radius of the brewery. Delivery fees may apply.