Don't miss a great day at Old Hights! The Nomad Pizza Truck will be here from 12:00-8:00 serving up some amazing wood fired brick oven pizza. From 1:00-3:00, join us for a Holiday Singalong with Christine & Erez! Grab a cup of hot cocoa or a glass of your favorite Old Hights brew, and enjoy some tasty treats from Tatra Baking. Be sure to wear your favorite holiday sweater, and catch a visit from Santa! Hang out to hear music from the trio The FOGLight, central NJ's best 60's through 2020's band, performing from 6:00-9:00.
Disregard ticket info - no tickets, no cover!
Date and time
Sat, Dec 21st from 12:00pm to 9:00pm
Old Hights Brewing Company
123 West Ward Street
Hightstown, NJ 08520